Lesbian Identity in British and Tai

  • 2018-01-01
  • 外文系
Lesbian Identity in British and Tai Lesbian Identity in British and Tai
房智慧 Chih-Hui Fang
出版商:LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
台湾女同志运动虽然同时受到西方理论与中国思想文化的影响,但其性别认同与西方文化有着不同的发展。台湾同志文本中存在着两种特殊的情境:私人(家庭关系)和公共(社会偏见)领域建构下所呈现的女同志认同冲突,以及女性浪漫情谊中含蓄特征的存在。本书将借由比较英国(西方)和台湾(中国)的女同志小说中找出几种现象: 一. 中国文化中女性浪漫友谊常被视为女同志关系中长期的存在现象。二. 当代台湾同志议题中过度强调性方面的自主权现象。透过台湾女同性志文本的分析,此书分别从精神上和身体上探讨了女同志慾望的特点。并且透过中国传统观念与西方思想,诠释女同志的情谊应该涵盖各个层面 – 肉体与精神。这个定义不仅为现代的中国文学,也在公共领域上提供了一个合宜的女同志认同。
Conjointly influenced by western theoretical practices and Chinese conceptions, lesbian and gay identities in Taiwan are represented differently from those of western culture. There exist two particular scenarios in Taiwanese lesbian texts: lesbian conflicts of self-identity under the constructions of private (familial ties) and public (social prejudice) spheres, and the existence of reticent characteristics of women?s romantic friendship. Through the comparison of British (Western) and Taiwanese (Chinese) lesbian novels, this book demonstrates women?s romantic friendship as a long-term phenomenon in lesbianism in Chinese culture, as well as the overrepresentation of sexual autonomy in contemporary Taiwan. Through the investigation of female homoeroticism in Chinese lesbian texts, it discusses lesbianism through the characteristics of female same-sex desire, both spiritually and physically. By tracing lesbianism through Chinese concepts and western ideology, lesbian eroticism should cover all aspects of passionate emotions. This definition provides a suitable lesbian subjectivity for the modern Chinese literary and political arena.