房智慧Chih-Hui Fang
姓名 房智慧Chih-Hui Fang
职称 助理教授
英国约克大学 (University of York) 英文与相关文学硕士
研究兴趣 比较文学 文化研究 性别研究 女性主义 英国文学
教授课程 社科简报英文,英语演说与沟通技巧, 商业应用软件, 英语口语训练(二)
学校分机 04-23323456#1917
研究室 M639
Office Hours 周二 13:10-17:00;周三 15:10-16:00;周四 10:10-12:00/13:10-14:00
网站 https://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/ch.fang

年度 论文名称
2023 林钰萦(Yu-Ying,Lin)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG)、刘鹤群*, COVID-19 疫情下儿少保护个案亲职教育辅导的数码学习安排与 成效─以彰化县强制亲职教育基础认知辅导课程为例, 社会发展研究学刊 no.31 pp.28-55, 2023
2018 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), Narrative Writing on New Immigrant Women: Perspective on Cultural Identity and Mother-Daughter Relationship, Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education, vol.8 no.2 pp.72-80, 2018
2017 刘鹤群(He-chiun Liou)、龙采绫、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG)*, 都市原住民族的就业排除经验与因应:台中市阿美族都市部落之个案研究, 社会发展研究学刊 no.19 pp.179-211, 2017
2015 刘鹤群(He-chiun Liou)、詹巧盈、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), 困境中生出的力量: 以优势观点分析东南亚新住民女性对经济与就业排除之回应, 社会发展研究学刊 no.16 pp.1-21, 2015
2014 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), The Mother-Daughter Conflicts in Du Xiu-Lan’s Ni Nü (杜修兰「逆女」小说中的母女关系), 静宜人文社会学报, vol.8 no.2 pp.169-208, 2014
2013 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG)、张湘宁, Female Romance in Ancient and Modern Chinese Society, 朝阳人文学刊, vol.11 no.2 pp.1-62, 2013
2008 刘鹤群(He-chiun Liou)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), Poverty and Taiwanese Indigenous People's Underachievement in Education, Tamkang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, vol.33 pp.73-104, 2008
2007 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), The Lesbian Subjectivities in Djuna Barnes and Nightwood, 致远学报, vol.2 no.2 pp.71-95, 2007
2006 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), 以女性主义的观点来阅读西维亚汤森、渥拿(Sylvia Townsend Warner)作品中女同志的主体性, Asia Journal of Management and Humanity Science, vol.1 no.1 pp.103-115, 2006
2006 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), Sisterhood in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature, 景文学报, vol.17 no.1 pp.77-96, 2006

年度 书名
2021 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), 20世纪中国文学中之女性情谊, 白象文化, Jul. 2021
2020 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), 邱妙津之女同志认同研究: 以鳄鱼手记与蒙马特遗书为例Qiou Miao-Jin's Lesbian Subjectivity: The Journal of Crocodile and Dying Testament in Montmartre, 白象文化, Jul. 2020
2019 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), Gender Identity in Jeanette Winterson’s Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit 珍娜‧温特森颠复性别之认同:以「橘子不是唯一的水果」为例, 白象文化, Jul. 2019
2018 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG)、刘鹤群(He-chiun Liou), The Textual and Theoretical Analysis of Radclyffe Hall's The Well of Loneliness, 白象文化, Jul. 2018
2017 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), 女性认同: 以Sylvia Townsend Warner作品为例, 白象文化, Jul. 2017
2016 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), 女同志母女关系的冲突: 以杜修兰「逆女」小说为例, 白象文化, May. 2016
2012 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), 黄熙, 白象文化, Sep. 2012
2010 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), Lesbian Identity in British and Taiwanese Contemporary Novels, Lambert Academic Publishing, Apr. 2010
2005 刘鹤群(He-chiun Liou)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), Sociology社会学, 麦格罗‧希尔McGraw Hill, Sep. 2005
2005 刘鹤群(He-chiun Liou)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), Sociology社会学, 麦格罗‧希尔McGraw Hill, Sep. 2005

发表日期 论文名称
2018.06 麦乔伊(Joel Wayne McCay)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG)、王莉娟(Li-Jiuan WANG), International Conference on Migration, Cultural Identity, Language and Communication 2018 亚洲大学外国语文学系国际研讨会, Jun. 2018, 亚洲大学
2017.06 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), Narrative Writing on New Immigrant Women: Perspective on Cultural Studies and Mother, Daughter Relationship - 2017 International Conference on Migration, Cultural Identity, Language and Communication (2017 亚州大学外国语文学系国际研讨会), Jun. 2017, 亚州大学
2016.05 阴性书写特质: 以Lisa See的Snow Flowers and the Secret Fan与Virginia Woolf的情书为例 , 2016年人文社会学院人文创新社会实践两岸及国际学术研讨会, May. 2016, Asia University
2015.10 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee), RADCLYFFE HALL'S LESBIAN IDENTITY IN THE WELL OF LONELINESS , Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Oct. 2015, Hawaii, U.S.A
2014.10 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), Trandsferring Genre, oriented Tasks in Flip Learning for a Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Asia Student News as Example - 2014海峡两岸四地ESP国际学术研讨会 (2014 Cross-Straits International Conference on English for Specific Purposes Conference), Oct. 2014, 亚洲大学
2014.06 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG)、王莉娟(Li-Jiuan WANG), Vested Interests: Cross, dressing in Radclyffe Hall and Billy Tipton - 2014数码典藏加值研讨会, Jun. 2014, 台中教育大学
2014.01 Female Romance in Ancient and Modern Chinese Society , Bangkok International Conference of Social Science, Jan. 2014, Bangkok
2013.05 房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), Lesbian Subjectivities in Djuna Barnes and Qiou Miao, Jin's Novels - 12th Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, May. 2013, Honolulu, Hawaii
2012.11 文学中的风景与视觉隐喻: 以黄熙小说为例 , 跨文本阅读: 地景, 文学, 语言 (微型座谈), Nov. 2012, 亚洲大学
2011.06 The Bonding and Conflicting Mother, Daughter Relationship in Du Xiu-lan's Wo Ye Zhi Lu - 10th Hawaii International Conference on Social Science, Jun. 2011, Hawaii, U.S.A
2011.05 The Bonding and Conflicting Mother, Daughter Relationship in Du Xiu-lan's Ni Nu and Jeanette Winterson's Oranges are Not the Only Fruit - 性别/自传/超文本之叙述与视觉美学探讨 Narration and Visual Aesthetics in Gender/Autobiography/Hypertext (微型座谈会), May. 2011, 亚洲大学
2008.07 Finding Other Voices: The Past, Present and Future of Taiwanese Lesbian Identities , 10th Interdisciplinary Congress on Women , Jul. 2008, Madrid, Spain
2007.11 刘鹤群(He-chiun Liou)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG), Poverty and Taiwanese Indigenous People’s Underachievement In Education , Asia Pacific Sociological Association Conference , Nov. 2007, Penang , Malaysia
2007.07 Qiou Miao, Jin’s Lesbian Subjectivity: The Journal of Crocodile, Dying Testament in Montmartre, and Plato’s Hair - Gender Unbound:International, Inter-disciplinary Conference in Law, Gender, and Sexuality , Jul. 2007, Keele University, U.K.
2007.03 珍奈、温特森(Jeanette Winterson)《橘子不是唯一的水果》(Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit)中的颠复性别/性向认同 , 第二届外国文学教学研讨会 , Mar. 2007, 亚洲大学
2006.05 以女性主义的观点来阅读西维亚汤森、渥拿(Sylvia Townsend Warner)作品中女同志的主体性 , 第一届外国文学教学研讨会 , May. 2006, 亚洲大学
2006.05 Sisterhood in Early Twentieth, Century Chinese Literature - Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences , May. 2006, Honolulu Hawaii
2005.06 The Mother and Lesbian Daughter Relationship in Taiwanese and British Novels , Women’s Worlds 2005: 9th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women , Jun. 2005, Ewha Womans University, Soeul, South Korea
2002.04 The Familial Ties and Reticent Essence of Taiwanese Lesbianism in Du Xiu, lian’s Ni Nu (The Contrary Daughter) - Second International Gender and Language Association Conference , Apr. 2002, Lancaster University, U.K

计画名称 参与人 计画期间
「她者」的转化:绘本与图文回忆录的视觉系移民女性叙事与身份认同」 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG) 2019.08 ~ 2020.07
新移民女性的叙事书写:文化认同及母女关系研究 (20170719122641) 陈淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG) 2017.08 ~ 2018.07
睿采数码科技 (20131014225144) 陈英辉(CHEN YINGHUEI)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG) 2013.08 ~ 2014.07
睿采数码科技 (20131014225144) 陈英辉(CHEN YINGHUEI)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG)


课程类别 课程代码 课程名称 年度
大学日间部 46U00001A 小说选读 113
大学日间部 46U00016A 美国文学 113
大学日间部 GRG00236I 共通英语文(二):中级中阶班 113
大学日间部 46U00045B 英文作文(二) 113
大学日间部 46U00083B 英文作文(四) 113

年度 名称 全部作者
113 Gender Status-Quo Within Institutional Ethics in Indonesia : Politics, Cultures, And Narratives Sultan Bagus Firmansyah
100 Female Romance and Constraints in Du Xiu-Lan’s Ni Nü (逆女) and Jeanette Winterson’s Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit 张湘宁
094 Lesbian Identities of British & Taiwanese Contemporary Novels Chih-hui Fang

地点 创作人
房智慧Chih-Hui Fang