林佩冠Pei-Kuan Lin
姓名 林佩冠Pei-Kuan Lin
研究兴趣 英语教学 法语教学 教学跨文化学习能力研究 组织行为/领导/文化 人力资源管理 WORK COMPETENCIES

年度 论文名称
2023 穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、Afrizal Firman、Jovi Sulistiawan、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)*、Hien Thi Thu Nguyen, Unraveling the Puzzle of Turnover Intention: Exploring the Impact of Home-Work Interface and Working Conditions on Affective Commitment and Job Satisfaction, Behavioral Sciences, vol.13 no.9 pp.699-, 2023
2022 Afrizal Firman、穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、Ranfeng Qiu、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)*、Taufiq Ismail、Ferry Fadzlul Rahman, The impact of eco-innovation, ecotourism policy and social media on sustainable tourism development: Evidence from the tourism sector of Indonesia., Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, vol.36 no.2 pp.2143847-, 2022
2022 穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)*, Why and When Do Employees Hide Their Knowledge?, Behavioral Sciences, vol.12 no.2 pp.56-, 2022
2022 Jovi Sulistiawan、穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)*, Linking Passion for Work and Emotional Exhaustion in Indonesian Firefighters: The Role of Work–Family Conflict, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.19 no.22 pp.14629-, 2022
2022 Wen-Hong Chiu、Zong-Jie Dai、Hui-Ru Chi、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Customer knowledge orientation as a key to business model innovation of free-to-fee switch, Journal of Knowledge Management, vol.26 no.11 pp.401-426, 2022
2022 纪慧如(Hui Ru,Chi)、何宣霈(Hsuan-Pei Ho)*、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Survival strategies of the sharing economy from the pandemic to a new normal: A dynamic capabilities approach, MANAGERIAL AND DECISION ECONOMICS pp.1-16, 2022
2021 耶利纳(Yeneneh Tamirat Negash)、穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、Shao-Chun Chiu、Yung-Yen Liu, Mapping Generation Y Tourists' E-Loyalty: A Sustainable Framework through Hierarchical Structure and Fuzzy Set Theory, Sustainability, vol.13 no.9 pp.47-67, 2021
2021 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)*, 志同道合,齐力断金?—性格类聚的凝聚力对团体决策与团体迷思之影响, 教育实践与研究/Journal of Educational Practice and Research, vol.34 no.2 pp.1-42, 2021
2019 Pao-Cheng LIN、Nancy ROBBINS、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)*, Research of Media Industrys Expatriates Cross-Culture Adjustment on the Job Involvement and Work Stress: The Impact of Relatedness, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, vol.64 pp.120-129, 2019
2017 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)*、李绍毓(Shao-Yu LI), 不怕神对手,只怕雷队友:大学生在团体工作中印象管理术的运用与社会赋閒感知, 台湾教育评论月刊, vol.6 no.11 pp.120-140, 2017
2015 林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)*, Effects of Curriculum Design on Students’ Creative Potential Developing – A Case Study on Students in the Department of Business Administration, ACTA OECONOMICA, vol.65 no.s2 pp.267-277, 2015
2014 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin), Key Success Factors in Expatriate Management in Multinational Medicine Industry (SSCI), Studies on Ethno-Medicine, vol.8 no.1 pp.43-49, 2014
2011 林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)*, Organizational culture from the perceptive of technology education human resources (EI), 2011 IEEE International Summer Conference of Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management pp.294-298, 2011
2010 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、李绍毓(Shao-Yu LEE), On the English learning with NNS-NNS pair work format in “EZ TALK” Program, Asian Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences, vol.1 no.2 pp.188-210, 2010
2009 李绍毓(Shao-Yu LEE)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), 「EZ Talk」作为「英语听讲」课外辅助学习活动之应用与绩效研究, Tamkang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences no.38 pp.71-102, 2009
2009 林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin)、陈裕达(Yu-Ta Chen)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、古芷婷(Chin-Ting Ku), The flexibility strategy of human resources about enterprises: The perspective from manpower dispatching companies, 树德科技大学学报 (Journal of Shu-Te University), vol.第十一 no.二 pp.97-112, 2009
2008 林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Gender difference in technology perception: A case study of a college of technology in Taiwan, 德明学报 (Journal of Takming University of Science and Technology) no.30 pp.1-14, 2008
2008 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin), Identifying the performance gaps between the workplace and the classroom, 德明学报 (Journal of Takming University of Science and Technology) no.30 pp.55-78, 2008
2007 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN), Is there a place for ethics on internet? – A study of internet ethics based on the international lawsuit case of Yahoo! Inc., 中台学报 (The Chungtai Junior College Journal), vol.18 no.3 pp.1-14, 2007
2007 李绍毓(Shao-Yu LEE)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、、, 「谈」出英语力—以亚洲大学国际语文中心「EZ Talk对谈时间」为例, Asian Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences, vol.2 no.1-4 pp.98-116, 2007
2007 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN), Professors’ and practitioners’ views on workplace competencies: Importance and Performance., 高应科大人文社会科学学报 no.4 pp.207-246, 2007
2006 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Ranking business graduate competencies: Professors' and practitioners' Perceptions, 弘光学报 no.5 pp.63-86, 2006

年度 书名
2021 穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、林保成、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), 2021 7th International Conference on E-Business and Applications, ICEBA 2021, Employability paradox, movement capital and employees turnover in Indonesia, Association for Computing Machinery, Jan. 2021
2021 李绍毓(Shao-Yu Li)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、郑冠荣(Kuan-Jung Cheng), Devon's World Student Book 4, 伟格图书公司, Jan. 2021
2021 李绍毓(Shao-Yu Li)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、郑冠荣(Kuan-Jung Cheng), Devon's World Student Book 3, 伟格图书公司, Jan. 2021
2021 李绍毓(Shao-Yu Li)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、郑冠荣(Kuan-Jung Cheng), Devon's World Student Book 2, 伟格图书公司, Jan. 2021
2021 李绍毓(Shao-Yu Li)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、郑冠荣(Kuan-Jung Cheng), Devon's World Student Book 1, 伟格图书公司, Jan. 2021
2020 穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、佩冠(林)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Proceedings of the 2020 6th International Conference on E-Business and Applications, ICEBA 2020, The Effects of Social Media Marketing, Trust, and Brand Image on Consumers’ Purchase Intention of GO-JEK in Indonesia, Association for Computing Machnery, Jan. 2020
2019 穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), 2019 16th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, ICSSSM 2019 (conference proceeding), Brand Equity and Consumer Purchase Intention of iPhone and HTC in Taiwan, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc., Jan. 2019
2018 穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), 2018 15th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, ICSSSM 2018 (conference proceeding), How Does Relationship Marketing Influence Purchase Intention in Fine Arts Sector in Mongolia?, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc., Jan. 2018
2017 李绍毓(Shao-Yu Li)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Proceedings of the International Conference on Humanity and Social Science (ICHSS2016) (EI Compendex), Determinants Affecting Staff Intention to Leave in Public Nursing Care Sectors, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, Jan. 2017

发表日期 论文名称
2022.04 Zong-Jie Dai、Wen-Hong Chiu、Hui-Ru Chi、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), The Business Model Transformation of Short, form Video Enterprise Based on Business Model Canvas: A Case of KWAI - 2022 6th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government, ICEEG2022, Apr. 2022, Plymouth, United Kingdom
2021.08 Hania Aminah、蔡慧雯(Stephanie Hui-Wen CHUAH)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、Afrizal Firman, Unveiling the Factors Influencing Consumers’ Continuance Intention to Use a Subscription Box , 2021 5th International Conference on E-Society, E-Education and E-Technology (ICSET 2021), Aug. 2021, 台北
2021.02 穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、Gabriella Christianti、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、Hania Aminah、Momodou Barry, Why Do Taiwanese Consumers Purchase Korean Beauty Product? , 2021 7th International Conference on E-Business and Applications (ICEBA 2021), Feb. 2021, 新加坡
2021.02 Jovi Sulistiawan、穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Employability Paradox, Movement Capital and Employees Turnover in Indonesia , 2021 7th International Conference on E-Business and Applications (ICEBA 2021), Feb. 2021, 新加坡
2020.02 穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、Taufiq Ismail、Bey Ignatius Purba、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), The Effects of Social Media Marketing, Trust, and Brand Image on Consumers’ Purchase Intention of GO, JEK in Indonesia - The 6th International Conference on E-Business and Applications-ICEBA 2020 (EI), Feb. 2020, 马来西亚,吉隆坡
2020.02 穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、Anita SHALEHAH、Erdenebaatar ODGEREL、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Purchasing of Foreign Beauty Products in Mongolia: What Makes It and What Breaks It? , The 6th International Conference on E-Business and Applications-ICEBA 2020 (EI), Feb. 2020, 马来西亚,吉隆坡
2019.07 穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、Wan-Ting CHIU、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、Anita SHALEHAH, Brand Equity and Consumer Purchase Intention of iPhone and HTC in Taiwan , The 16th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM’19) (EI), Jul. 2019, 中国,深圳
2019.07 Anita SHALEHAH、Ivana Lidia Oktavia TRISNO、穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), The Effect of Korean Beauty Product Characteristics on Brand Loyalty and Customer Repurchase Intention in Indonesia , The 16th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM’19) (EI), Jul. 2019, 中国,深圳
2018.07 穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、Amri Khoirul、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), What do Indonesian Facebook Advertisers Want? The Impact of E, Service Quality on E-Loyalty - The15th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Jul. 2018, 中国,浙江
2018.07 穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、Sebastian Mendez S.、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Perceived Brand Loyalty Toward Taiwanese Advanced Electronics Industry , The15th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Jul. 2018, 中国,杭州
2018.07 穆马速(Massoud Moslehpour)、Ochirt ENKHTAIVAN、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), How Does Relationship Marketing Influence Purchase Intention in Fine Arts Sector in Mongolia , The15th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Jul. 2018, 中国,杭州
2017.06 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、Tri Thai Tra、Pao-Cheng Li、Shao-Yu Li, Gender Discrimination Misconducts Perceived by Female Workers of Vietnamese Industries , The14th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Jun. 2017, Dalian, China
2016.05 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、吴佩霜(Pei-Shuang Wu)、黄竹安(Chu-An Huang)、杨雅自(Ya-Tzu Yang)、谢育臻(Yu-Zhen Xie), The Effects of Off, Campus Internship Satisfaction on Career - 2016 International Conference on Institutional Research in Taiwan, May. 2016, 台湾/台中
2016.04 李绍毓(Shao-Yu Li)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、Hien Thi Thu Nguyen, Determinants Affecting Staffs Intention to Leave in Public Nursing Care Sectors , 2016 International Conference on Humanity and Social Science (ICHSS2016) (EI Compendex), Apr. 2016, Xiamen, China
2015.12 林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin)、胡慧玲、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), 领导风格与其核心竞争之初探性分析:以KDY火锅连锁店为例 , 2015餐旅观光产业个案暨质性研究研讨会, Dec. 2015, 台湾/高雄
2015.12 林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin)、舒程、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), 连锁日式餐饮业领导风格与其核心竞争之初探性分析 , 2015餐旅观光产业个案暨质性研究研讨会, Dec. 2015, 台湾/高雄
2015.07 林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin)、李绍毓(Shao-Yu Li)、Hui-Ling Hu、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Exploring Staffs’ Work Performance of M Food Chain: From Human Resources Management Perspectives , The 12th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM2015) (IEEE), Jul. 2015, Guangzhou, China.
2015.07 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、李绍毓(Shao-Yu Li)、Bich Thi Ngo Pham、林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin), Impacts of Leadership Styles, Job Satisfaction, and Job Characteristics on Public Servants’ Organizational Commitment , The 12th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM2015) (IEEE), Jul. 2015, Guangzhou, China
2014.11 林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、温小芬, 性别差异化与师徒制功能及其关联影响性之研究 , 2014 创新整合服务研讨会, Nov. 2014, 桃园创新技术学院
2014.06 台湾企业员工接受派外工作之考量─以外派大陆为例 , 2014两岸产业经营管理暨会计资讯研讨会, Jun. 2014, 中国,广东
2013.12 林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN)、温小芬、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), 主管领导风格、组织文化与竞争优势之关联性研究 , 2013第一届「创新创意服务」研讨会, Dec. 2013, 桃园创新技术学院
2013.12 林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、温小芬, 中式连锁餐饮服务业之人力资源管理观点 , 2013第一届「创新创意服务」研讨会, Dec. 2013, 桃园创新技术学院
2013.07 林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Organizational Culture and Job Performance: A Case Study of the SMEs in the Northern Taiwan , The 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM'13) (EI), Jul. 2013, 中国,香港
2013.07 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin)、李绍毓(Shao-Yu LEE), Competencies Required in Service, related and Non-service-related Industries: Graduates' Views on Importance - The 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM'13) (EI), Jul. 2013, 中国,香港
2013.06 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、李绍毓(Shao-Yu LI)、陈裕仁, 高等教育学校毕业生派外职能表现自我检视—以派驻大陆地区就业为例 , 2013 经营管理暨会计信息论与实务研讨会, Jun. 2013, 亚洲大学
2012.07 邱文宏(Wen-Hong Chiu)、朱立圣(Chu Li-Sheng)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、纪慧如、Huan-Neng Chiu, Comparing Cultural Differences in Trading Website Management between Mainland China and Taiwan , The 9th Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM12) (EI), Jul. 2012, 中国,上海
2012.07 林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Gender Differences in Perceiving Mentoring Effectiveness―A Case Study at X Institute of Technology in Taiwan , The 9th Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM12) (EI), Jul. 2012, 中国,上海
2012.07 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、林保成(Pao-Cheng Lin)、李绍毓(Shao-Yu LEE), Workplace Competencies in Demand: Perception Gaps between Service Industries and Manufacturing Industries , The 9th Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM12) (EI), Jul. 2012, 中国,上海
2012.05 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、李绍毓(Shao-Yu LEE)、林保诚(Pao-Cheng LIN), Identifying Competency Focuses of Taiwanese Practitioners from Quality Manpower Cultivation Project , The 2012 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making, May. 2012, 淡江大学
2011.12 林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Investigating the perceptions of organizational culture from cultural creative industries: A case study at a publicly, operated film museum - The 2th International Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2011) (EI), Dec. 2011, 中国,澳门
2011.11 朱立圣(Chu Li-Sheng)、纪慧如、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), A comparative analysis of trading website management between mainland China and Taiwan , 2011 International Conference on Information Management,Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (EI), Nov. 2011, Shenzhen, China
2011.11 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、李绍毓(Shao-Yu LEE)、林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN), Industrial attention to job ready competencies ―from supervision staff perspectives , The 2011 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (EI), Nov. 2011, Shenzhen, China
2011.07 林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Organizational culture from the perceptive of technology education human resources , The 2011 International (Summer) Conference of Asia Pacific Business Innovation Technology Management (EI), Jul. 2011, Dalian, China
2011.05 赵之君(Chih-Chun CHAO)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、李绍毓(Shao-Yu LEE), Exploring Learning Strategies in the Classroom of European as a Second Foreign Language , 2011 6th Annual International Conference on Foreign Literature Teaching [第六届外国文学教学国际学术研讨会], May. 2011, 亚洲大学
2011.03 赵之君(Chih-Chun CHAO)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Cross, Cultural Differences in the Use of Learning Strategies by College Students of European as a Second Foreign Language - International Conference on ESP in the Age of Globalization [侨光科技大学第八届应用英语教学研讨会], Mar. 2011, 侨光科技大学
2010.11 李绍毓(Shao-Yu LEE), Promoting English ability through English, speaking cultural tour in Taiwan - The Nineteenth International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching [第十九届中华民国英语文教学国际研讨会暨书展], Nov. 2010, 台北市救国团剑潭海外青年活动中心
2010.10 林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), 组织文化与员工表现关联性之研究, -以桃园地区中小企业为例 - 2010 第十一届科技与管理学术研讨会, Oct. 2010, 建国科技大学
2009.10 锺翠梅(Chui-Mei, CHUNG)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN)、李绍毓(Shao-Yu LEE), On learning needs and effectiveness of having English conversation with TGTA and ITA , The Thirteenth International Conference on Language Instruction of ROCMELIA [第十三届国际电脑多媒体语文教学研讨会], Oct. 2009, 高雄师范大学
2008.11 李绍毓(Shao-Yu LEE), Improving English communication ability through , The Seventeenth International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching [第十七届中华民国英语文教学国际研讨会暨书展], Nov. 2008, 台北市救国团剑潭海外青年活动中心
2008.06 林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), 技术学院企业管理系学生的组织文化观点 , 2008商管学术与实务研讨会, Jun. 2008, 南亚技术学院
2008.05 强化口语能力, 以「EZ Talk对谈时间」来分析学生之学习动机与兴趣 - 第二十五届中华民国国际英语文教学研讨会暨2008国际英语教学与评量研讨会, May. 2008, 国立中正大学
2008.05 李绍毓(Shao-Yu LEE)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), 「EZ Talk对谈时间」之学习成效探究 , 2008 国立屏东教育大学英语学系学术研讨会, May. 2008, 国立屏东教育大学
2008.01 林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN), 高阶管理者领导风格与组织文化对企业整体经营绩效之影响─以C旅游集团为例 , 国立高雄餐旅学院第八届观光休閒暨餐旅产业永续经营学术研讨会, Jan. 2008, 高雄市
2008.01 林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN), Investigating the relationship between organizational culture and change management , 2008台湾商管理论与实务研讨会, Jan. 2008, 远东科技大学
2007.10 林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN), Investigating the students' perceptions of organizational culture of the Department of Business Administration at an Institute of Technology , 2007 International Conference on Workforce Education and Development, Oct. 2007, 国立台湾师范大学
2007.05 林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Investigating different leadership styles of high level human resources: The case of graduate institutes , 2007 Conference on the Theories and Practices of IHRM2007 [国际人资管理学术与实务研讨会], May. 2007, 开南大学
2007.05 林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN)、林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN), Organizational communication from a perspective of technology college , International Business Management Academic Conference at N.I.T. in 2007 [2007国际商管学术与实务研讨会], May. 2007, 南亚技术学院
2006.05 林保成(Pao-Cheng LIN), Reviewing internet ethics from Yahoo! case , 2006 Business Project Planning and Management Academic Conference [2006 企业专案计划教育与经管研讨会], May. 2006, 南亚技术学院
2006.05 A Buddhist nun's way, a leader case study, Dharma Master Cheng Yen - 2006 Women's Global Connection International Conference, May. 2006, Texas, USA: University of the Incarnate Word

计画名称 参与人 计画期间
格兰英语教材研发辅导 (I109MB187) 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN) 2020.11 ~ 2022.05
教学实践-合作学习分组策略对学习成效之影响研究 ─以组织行为课程为例 (PBM1090607) 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN) 2020.08 ~ 2021.07
绿建材市场调查计画 2017.07 ~ 2019.06
台中市政府劳工局促进就业机制研究计画(委讬捷立管理顾问有限公司) (20200513005026) 2016.08 ~ 2016.12
学生校外实习课程之学习满意度、职涯规划与未来就业竞争力之研究(亚洲大学IR中心委讬分析计画) (20200513005338) 2015.10 ~ 2016.06
建构服务业行销人员征选机制 (20140728232603) 林佩冠(Pei-Kuan LIN) 2013.04 ~ 2014.03

奖项名称 颁奖单位
109年度院级优良教学奖 本校
109学年度亚洲大学创新教材纸本类优良奖 本校
108学年度亚洲大学教具制作竞赛优良奖 本校
The 15th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM’18)
106学年度教具制作竞赛实体教具组 本校
105学年度教具制作竞赛实体教具组佳作 本校
104年指导大专生计画绩优奖 本校
100学年度亚洲大学优良学习导师 本校

课程类别 课程代码 课程名称 年度
大学日间部 82U00153B 国际贸易实务 113
硕士在职专班 MH400005A 服务创新与企业变革 113
硕士在职专班 MH400020A 企业诊断与持续改善 113

年度 名称 全部作者
107 薪资知觉度与自我效能对工作绩效之影响:以组织承诺为中介变量 梁棋淞
106 非连锁咖啡厅之商业模式探讨 谢育臻
106 大学生多元入学与毕业生涯意向影响关系-以亚洲大学为例 何敏如
106 领导风格对薪资公平性与工作价值观影响组织承诺之调节效果-台籍就业者为例 黄琬媜
106 薪俸、陞迁与职衔认知及离职倾向关系之研究-以矫正机关监所管理员为例 赖宗和
105 国民小学家长对学校公共关系之知觉探讨-以台中市为例 谢仁纹
104 教保服务人员专业能力之表现-以苗栗地区为例 杨雅自
104 幼儿园组织冲突原因及个人冲突管理策略之探究-以苗栗县幼儿园为例 黄竹安
104 人口统计变量、住宅偏好、外煞风水信念与购屋意图之研究-以苗栗地区为例 吴佩霜
102 Perceptions and Reactions of Female Employees against Gender Discrimination Misconducts at Workplace in Vietnam Tri Thai Tran
102 Investigating Vietnamese Civil Servants’ Organizational Commitment through the Influences of Leadership Styles, Job Satisfaction, and Job Characteristics Bich Thi Ngoc Pham
102 An Investigation of Turnover Intention’s Antecedents in Vietnam’s Nursing Care Sector Hien Thi Thu Nguyen
101 人格特质、国家文化与海外适应对工作满意度之影响研究-以越籍劳工为例 林成富
100 语言学习策略使用差异性研究—以欧语为第二外语之初级学习者为例 赵之君