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Welcome from the Chair


Welcome everyone to join the family of Foreign Languages and Literature. This department is the only humanities department at Asia University. It has excellent humanistic tradition and globalization atmosphere. There are excellent local and foreign teachers who are enthusiastic about caring for students, and there are helpful seniors. There is a well-planned three-master system, which will help students adapt to the new environment of the university in daily life, coursework and career planning. In the current world of "the world is flat", speed is the key to success. Learning is the way to increase self-energy. Language is the main medium for speed transmission and learning. Learning a foreign language means having an advantage and a guarantee of success. When you choose to study in this department, you have dreamed of creating a successful story at Asia University. As the department chair, I would like to share with every freshman the following three success equations:
1. Language + knowledge = advantage
2. Cultivating lifelong learning
3. Enhancing global mobility

I hope you will become sunny and altruistic global citizens on the high-quality humanistic and artistic campus at Asia University in the coming four years.

Shu-Chuan Chen , Department Chair
Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Asia University