Yuan-Zhen Mao
Name Yuan-Zhen Mao
Job title Assistant Professor
Education Ph.D. in Drama, Research Performance, University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Professional Experiences Assistant Professor, Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research, Asia University
Research Fields & Interests DRAMA RESEARCH PERFORMANCE
Office M204
Websites https://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/jeaniemao

Year Paper Title
2021 毛元臻(Yuen-Jean Mao), Foster Students’ Understanding of Gender Equality through Graded Readers in EFL Classroom, 景文學報, vol.30 no.2 pp.101-126, 2021

Date of Publication Paper Title
2021.07 毛元臻(Yuen-Jean Mao), Alternative Assessment during COVID, 19: A Case of Integrating Socrative in Design English Class - The 38th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Jul. 2021, 台灣/文藻外語大學
2020.11 毛元臻(Yuen-Jean Mao), Where are we going?” The Journey to 2030 Bi, lingual Nation with Beeru and Other Learning Resources - 2020 LHU DAFL Conference - English and Global Mobility, Nov. 2020, 台灣/龍華科技大學
2020.10 毛元臻(Yuen-Jean Mao), The Adventures of Delivering General English Course via Microsoft Teamsc under COVID, 19 - 2020 Innovative Teaching and Assessment Conference, Oct. 2020, 台灣/南台科技大學
2020.09 毛元臻(Yuen-Jean Mao), The Potential and Limitations of TBL in General English Class: A Case Study of Taiwanese University Freshmen , The 3rd Conference on English Language Education in the Chinese Context, Sep. 2020, 台灣/國立師範大學
2020.05 毛元臻(Yuen-Jean Mao), Foster Students' Understanding of Gender Equality through Graded Readers , The 37th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning & The 22nd International Conference and Workshop on TESL & Applied Linguistics, May. 2020, 台灣/銘傳大學
2019.11 毛元臻(Yuen-Jean Mao), Can Your Computer Pass the Test? A Case Study of Enhancing ESL Students’ Critical Thinking on AI through Students, Centered Activities - Learner-centered Language Teaching and Learning, Nov. 2019, 台灣/龍華科技大學

Project Title Participator Period
110年度新南向學海築夢計畫「AU on AIR數位課程平台實習計畫」 (110117800N20) 毛元臻(Yuen-Jean Mao) 2021.06 ~ 2022.10
109年強化與東協及南亞國家合作交流計畫 ─ 新南向國家教研人員來臺進行教學及研究合作 (無) 陳英輝(CHEN YINGHUEI)、毛元臻(Yuen-Jean Mao) 2020.05 ~ 2021.02

Category Course Code Course Title Year
大學日間部 46U00027A 英語教學理論與實務 113
大學日間部 46U00113B 英文作文(五) 113
大學日間部 46U00286A 學輔時間(四) 113
大學日間部 46U00463A 戲劇創作與表演 113
大學日間部 GRG00230A 共通英語文(一):中級高階班 113
大學日間部 GRG00230C 共通英語文(一):中級高階班 113