《極致:程度詞的共性與衍生途徑》(EXTREME: Similarit

  • 2018-01-01
  • 資訊處管理者(勿異動)
《極致:程度詞的共性與衍生途徑》(EXTREME: Similarit 《極致:程度詞的共性與衍生途徑》(EXTREME: Similarit
劉秀瑩 Hsiu-Ying Liu
出版商:文鶴出版有限公司 (Crane Publishing Co., Ltd.)

EETENT is abstract, and the expression of it in languages is a very interesting issue. This book includes five papers regarding studies on extent expressions. Two papers deal with the similarities among the extent words; the other three discuss respectively the derivational processes of SI, ZHI and X-HENDA. The findings clearly displayed the relationship between language and cognition. The general principles proposed in this book can benefit language teachers and learners.